Using conventional reaction rate equations and parameters, the reaction kinetics can be modeled with enough accuracy [2]. However, the mechanisms that determine the growth of the worm-like structures are currently not well understood. Given this currently-inadequate chemical and physical understanding, an alternative to first-principles modeling to relate product (polymer) properties such as contact angle to iCVD processing conditions is to use an empirical modeling approach such as neural networks. A typical neural network model can contain a number of fitting parameters, many times greater than the number of observations available to fit the model with. This relatively large number of fitting parameters provides a lot of flexibility for shaping the response surface of the target (output) variable(s).
In this work, we model the contact angle of heptane on PPFDA as a function of iCVD operating conditions using a neural network architecture. We then use the developed model to determine the optimal iCVD operating conditions that maximizes the heptane contact angle on the worm-like surface. To verify model predictions, we independently perform iCVD laboratory experiments with the model-predicted optimal operating conditions, perform microscopy to elucidate the polymer structure, and measure the resulting heptane contact angles.
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