Management System Relevance in Achieving Desired Process Safety Performance
John T. Remy
Consulting Process Safety Engineer
LyondellBasell Industries
2502 Sheldon Road
Channelview, TX 77530
(281) 862-5046
Although a company's Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) program is often viewed as the primary means of driving process safety performance, in reality a broad range of management systems must be in place and effective in order to achieve sustainable success. This presentation will document how LyondellBasell utilized historical process safety incident data to identify those management systems that have been most leveraging to process safety performance, to define opportunities for management system improvements, and to determine if there were activities or practices which impacted process safety, but for which no corporate management system requirements were defined. For those management systems identified as most leveraging to historical process safety performance, a focused examination utilizing subject matter experts was conducted to understand the factors leading to non-ideal compliance with requirements or expectations. Additionally, year-by-year trend analysis was utilized to assess if company initiatives designed to improve specific aspects of process safety performance were effective. Lastly, site-specific data analysis was performed to highlight areas of success and to focus future improvement efforts.
This paper will outline the approach utilized for the study and share high-level results.