Measuring Vital Signs of Process Safety Culture | AIChE

Measuring Vital Signs of Process Safety Culture


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 22, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




Measuring Vital Signs of Process Safety Culture-AbstractIn line with Fatima Group’s vision
and HSE policy, Fatima Fertilizers Company Limited (FFCL) stipulated a Process
Safety Management program (PSM) as the major corner-stone.  It was purely a
self-initiative to implement this model rather following any regulatory
requirement. At Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited, Process Safety Performance
is tracked using Global Method of Leading and Lagging Indicators. Leading
Indicators are a set of data that measures performance across various elements
of Process Safety. In 2020, in order to uplift Process Safety performance at FFCL,
we invested in activities keeping in view Core Principles of Process Safety
Culture. While analyzing Leading Indicators for 2019, FFCL performance across
various elements (Incident Investigation, Mechanical Integrity, Pre-Start-Up
Safety Reviews, PHA, Management of Change, Training etc.) was linked with Core
principles of Process Safety; this helped to identify strong and weak areas of
our culture.

Snapshots from 2019 Leading Indicators’ Analysis

This analytical method unlocked greater opportunities
for improvement in FFL Process Safety Culture. Key outcomes of this included:

To assess and advance the
culture, Process
Safety Culture Survey was developed

To provide strong Leadership, One day workshop for Leadership Role in Improving and
Sustaining Process Safety Culture.

To improve Sense of
Process Safety Incidents Calendar was developed that included major global and
FFL Process Safety incidents. Single page flyer was circulated on the day of
incident to remember the mistakes from history.

To avoid Normalization of
Deviation, Risk
Bases scores were introduced in Leading Indicators for PHA recommendations

To supplement this analysis in pursuit of strong
Process Safety Culture, another study was conducted with title “What is it in for me, Two Decades of Process Safety
Beacons”. All PS
beacons till date were critically reviewed and relevant information was
extracted. Main objective of this activity was to learn from past mistakes and
strengthen Process Safety elements. Examples include:

Emergency Preparedness-  Addition of new scenarios in Annual Mock
Drill Matrix

Training & Development- Addition of trainings in Annual
Training Calendar

Audits & Observations-  Conducting Field audits considering
Incident’s learning

Integrated Organization Structure- Sharing PS Beacons for Weekly
Safety Meetings



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