Migration-Assisted Water Gradient Process for a Continuous CO2 Capture | AIChE

Migration-Assisted Water Gradient Process for a Continuous CO2 Capture


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 11, 2021


15 minutes

Skill Level




Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 will require a significant reduction in anthropogenic CO2 emission
sources like coal-fired power plants. The current industrial processes such as calcium looping,
amine scrubbing, and oxyfuel combustion capture CO2 from the exhaust flue gases but are
extremely energy-intensive. Water-driven CO2 capture techniques are in their infancy but are
particularly attractive due to their low energy penalty. In this work, we develop a continuous CO2
capture device utilizing the ability of CO2 to be in a carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium in the
presence of water. The incoming CO2 is captured in a CO2 -binding organic liquid. The captured
CO2 is allowed to diffuse through an anion exchange membrane to an aqueous medium where it
can either be sequestered or transformed into usable products. To enhance the CO2 capture rate,
the diffusion of the captured CO2 is accelerated by applying an electric field across the device.
The performance of this capture technique is evaluated under various operating parameters such
as the composition of the gas, relative humidity, temperature, the effect of concentration of SOx ,
and gas flow rate. Additionally, for the device configuration, effects of the operating
temperature, type of membranes, percentage of the solvent, solvent circulation flow rate, and
applied current are reported.


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