In this work, we present a general Python package for MBDoE using Pyomo models. Aiming at reducing the uncertainty in the system, MBDoE is conducted by minimizing the variance of the Fisher Information Matrix(FIM), which can be interpreted as minimizing the volume of the covariance ellipsoid. Classical alphabetic criteria such as D-optimality (determinant), A-optimality (trace), E-optimality (minimal eigenvalue), and a modified E-optimality (condition number) are considered to measure the size of the FIM [5]. Nonlinear programming sensitivity analysis, available through sIPOPT [6] or k_aug [7], is used to reduce the computational cost of assembling the FIM by over an order of magnitude.
The new capability is demonstrated in two case studies. Case study 1 considers a nonlinear reaction kinetic model with four highly-correlated kinetic parameters, which shows how MBDoE formalism quickly identifies model identifiability challenges. This case study acts as a tutorial for new users. Case study 2 considers CO2 adsorption in a fixed-bed breakthrough experiment to characterize novel Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) materials for CO2 capture. The partial differential-algebraic equation (PDE) model couples mass and momentum transport phenomena with adsorption equilibria (isotherms) and kinetics; discretization in space (method of lines) and time (backward finite difference or collocation) results in over 20,000 sparse resulting in over 20,000 sparse algebraic constraints.
The goal of MBDoE is to infer the heat transfer coefficient (non-adiabatic operation) and a lumped kinetics transport parameter. Through MBDoE, we address the following questions: (1) Is the model identifiable with the current experimental configuration? (2) What is the value of modifying the experimental system (e.g., adding temperature sensors)? (3) How to conduct fixed bed experiments so that we can improve the accuracy of parameter estimation by DoE? The limited literature that considers DoE for a fixed bed adsorption system focuses on âblack-box methodsâ such as factorial methods and response surfaces methods which do not offer insights into the fundamental physical process, in contrast to our proposed MBDoE approach.
In the future, validation mathematical models will be used for optimization and techno-economic analysis of novel CO2 capture processes as part of the Carbon Capture Simulation for Industrial Impact (CCSI2) project.
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