Modular Software Product Line Approach for Automation | AIChE

Modular Software Product Line Approach for Automation


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 29, 2017


30 minutes



This paper examines the advantages of utilizing a Software Product Line type of approach with modular code structures to process automation architecture and project execution.

Effective use of a modular approach has demonstrated projects completed in one third the time as compared to conventional methodology, with one quarter of the resources and a ninety-six percent reduction in bugs in the final software product. For massive migrations with very short time lines this will be the only viable option to maintain safety and performance with the available resources.

The paper also examines expanding the core asset approach of software product lines to artifacts associated with automation projects and migration such as training, testing and procedure documentation as applicable to capture the most value and improve quality and consistency. The modular vs monolithic approach to automation will have a great deal of value for legacy migration like the Mod 5 Dowtran Migrations and can transform the existing proven in use functionality to the targeted platform. There is also a discussion of available products and software for reverse engineering and modularizing these types of systems.


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