A New Look at Industrial Incidents Driving Operating Discipline in the Control Environment | AIChE

A New Look at Industrial Incidents Driving Operating Discipline in the Control Environment


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2019


25 minutes

Skill Level




A New Look at Industrial Incidents

Driving Operating Discipline in the Control Environment

By Tom Nolan, Senior Process Control Consultant, Emerson

Industrial incidents injure people and cause millions of dollars in damages. Several critical shortcomings have been identified as significant contributors in past incidents, and yet these incidents are still happening today—often resulting from the same contributing factors. Though incidents typically coalesce from several issues, there are common factors that can and should be managed. By leveraging dynamic alarm management and operating discipline in a state-based control environment, organizations can strike the necessary balance between human operation and automation support to enhance operability and improve safety performance.


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