After a steam-treatment at 800 °C, a phosphorus-stabilized microporous HZSM-5 and its desilicated version showed high selectivity for production of valuable base chemicals when upgrading pyrolysis vapors at 600 °C, with ~85% C2-C4 olefins and ~5% aromatics produced from virgin PE. Increasing the reaction temperature from 600 to 700 °C, increased the aromatics yield to ~10 wt. % while producing similarly high overall yields of C2-C4 olefins, with increased yields of ethylene and 1,3-butadiene at the expense of propylene and C4 olefins. The coke yield for these severe cracking conditions was 1 wt. %. Processing post-consumer mixed polyolefin resulted in 5-10 wt. % lower olefins yield than using virgin PE but produced ~5 wt. % more aromatics due to its contamination with PS and PET. While parent HZSM-5 rapidly deactivated for repeated runs owing to its high coking propensity, phosphorus-modified and steamtreated HZSM-5 showed almost no deactivation during 130 runs with stable conversion towards C5+ aliphatics and high C2-C4 olefins selectivity with a 70% reduction in coke deposition.