While several machine learning and computer vision based methods have been proposed for the two tasks â tracking and annotation, there is no general consensus among which methods work, why the methods work, when they work, which methods are robust to noises in data etc. due to a lack of systematic comparison. To address these questions we performed a method screen comparing 22 different methods (combination of previously unexplored methods and previously proposed methods) across 6 different accuracy metrics on synthetic datasets with realistic properties across a range of noise levels (3 types of noise simulated). The methods compared included 8 registration-based methods (with linear objective functions) and 14 graph-matching based methods (with quadratic objective functions). For tracking task, methods were also compared for 3 different track linking strategies â sequential tracking, all frames matched to one frame from video, all frames matched to an atlas.
Systematic comparison reveals several important conclusions. 1) All methods perform well on data with low amounts of noise; 2) as expected linear methods are orders of magnitude faster than quadratic methods; 3) quadratic methods â CRF[1], IPFP-MAP[2] and L2QP-MAP[3] are robust to noise maintaining high accuracy at high noise levels, in comparison accuracy for registration based methods (linear methods) fall sharply with noise in data; 4) for some but not all quadratic methods, accuracy is heavily dependent on pairwise edge features used in the method thus highlighting the need for appropriate feature selection; 5) among tracking strategies sequential tracking performs worst, strategy where all frames are matched to an atlas frame performs best, better than when frames are matched to a randomly selected video frame.
This work addresses important methodological needs in quantitative biology, particularly in neuroscience. It points to unbiased evaluation and choice of the best method for cell tracking and annotation tasks in microscopic images, based on data properties. Insights generated by our comparison based approach will guide development of cell tracking and identity annotation methods in future. Further we make our code freely available thus providing a model zoo for future researchers to compare and optimize their methods.
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