Operational Discipline: Does your organization &'do the job right every time&'
Most organizations, especially those involved in handling hazardous materials or performing hazardous operations, invest considerable effort in preparing written instructions and procedures. Written procedures serve many functions including enabling consistent operations and behaviors and they serve as a vehicle for codifying technology, best practices and experience on how to do the job right.
All organizations recognize the intrinsic value of their internal procedures. So why is it that so many companies are apparently less successful in having the procedures followed by those who are supposed to perform the tasks that are described?
Through our consulting experience with global clients in safety and process safety management, DuPont Sustainable Solutions has learned that many organizations believe that the actual percentage of tasks being performed per procedure could be as low as 50-60%. Others confide that this could be even in the 30-40% range with specific individuals sharing their belief that the real number is no higher than 10%.
Inside DuPont, we use the term &'Operating Discipline&' to describe the obligation of every employee - everyone to do every job right, every time.
Operating Discipline leads to Operating Excellence.
It was recognized in DuPont ten years ago that the level of Operating Discipline (OD) in all functions and at all levels needed to be strengthened and a series of action steps were taken. These efforts continue today. Furthermore, the original OD tools and techniques have been further refined and more fully integrated into the company's safety and performance management systems.
This presentation is intended to help safety professionals and leaders consider the robustness of their own organization's Operating Discipline. The session will include details of how Operating Discipline is measured, monitored and improved within DuPont. In addition, tools and recommended actions will be shared so that all attendees will be better equipped to strengthen their own organization's Operating Discipline.