Optimization for Flare Operation | AIChE

Optimization for Flare Operation


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 28, 2017


30 minutes




Flare operation is a challenging task since the flowrate, net heating value, composition of the vent gas and weather conditions vary significantly. The industry is in urgent need of a viable approach to achieve smokeless flaring that can meet the combustion/destruction efficiency standard set by the agencies, while minimize stream and makeup fuel consumption.

In this work, a novel optimization approach was developed based on flare performance models. The controlled variables include flowrate of steam/air assist and flowrate of make-up fuel. For a flaring vent with a specific combustion zone net heating value and particular composition, the most economic solution to achieve smokeless flaring and high combustion/destruction efficiency objective can be identified.


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