Various conversion pathways have been developed and applied based on the type of renewable raw material. One path commonly used is hydroprocessing of oils from non-edible oil crops. Nevertheless, the cultivation of this biomass is expensive and competes with land use since some of the biomass grows in the same climate as food crops, which has reduced its popularity in a substantial amount. In opposition to this, biojet fuel produced from lignocellulosic residues as sources of biomass has gained attention due to their wide production, low cost of raw materials and non-competence with food crops, whereby it is considered a long-term alternative.
Alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) process allows the conversion of alcohols obtained by processing lignocellulosic biomass to long chain alkanes (components of biojet fuel) and to heavier alkanes (components of biodiesel). However, current research efforts have been guided to the study of lignocellulosic material pretreatment, and the use of optimization and process intensification techniques have not been applied in order to design a low cost process that can produce a biofuel able to compete with conventional jet fuel in the market and that both product and process can contribute to diminish GHG emissions.
This work presents a design proposal for an intensified biorefinery with approach to the production of biojet fuel from lignocellulosic raw material. This process consists firstly of pretreatment of biomass followed by its enzymatic hydrolysis, the fermentation of sugars obtained, and the purification of alcohols produced to continue later with ATJ process. In the process design, stochastic methodologies of optimization are applied, specifically the differential evolution with tabu list method (DETL) which, through a strategy based on populations of solutions, allows to find a global optimum robustly and efficiently. Thus, by employing this methodology, it is intended to guarantee sustainability of the process economically by increasing its rentability and diminishing its operating costs, socially through job creation and environmentally by reducing the eco-indicator.