The purpose of Dow's Global Mechanical Integrity Safety Standard is to ensure that equipment used to process, store or handle chemicals are designed, constructed, installed and maintained to minimize the risk of chemical releases. This standard assures compliance with applicable legal requirements and incorporates industry consensus, commonly called “Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices” (RAGAGEP).
Piping Systems are also covered by Dow's Global Standard. However, in 2008 a Dow plant experienced a sudden and complete line failure which was caused by Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) as defined in API570 damage mechanism 46. This covers corrosion resulting from water trapped under insulation or fireproofing on carbon steel, low alloy steels, 300 Series Stainless Steel and duplex stainless steels. This led Dow to question the effectiveness of the Mechanical Integrity Program as it relates to CUI prone piping systems.
This paper summarizes the approach taken by Dow's Hydrocarbons Business to ensure the Mechanical Integrity of CUI prone piping including:
- Organizational Requirements
- Work Processes
- Registration
- Inspection
- Repair
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