Planning an Olefins Unit Startup with an Operating Training Simulator As Part of a Plant Revamp Commissioning Strategy | AIChE

Planning an Olefins Unit Startup with an Operating Training Simulator As Part of a Plant Revamp Commissioning Strategy


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 15, 2023


20 minutes

Skill Level




Startup strategies, sequences and procedures were developed using an Operating Training Simulator (OTS) in preparation for starting up an olefins plant undergoing a significant revamp. The revamp involved the replacement of internals on numerous towers, re-wheel of compressors and a non-negligible amount of process integration. Most of those modifications being implemented during a major plant turnaround. This paper discussed the challenges of validating the OTS with pre-turnaround operating data no longer reflecting the revamped unit and process design simulations. A significant portion of this work was conducted during COVID-19 restrictions and added on the complexity. Execution of the actual startup is also discussed and compared to the expected sequence.


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