Prevention of CUI: “ Roadmap to Managing CUI ” | AIChE

Prevention of CUI: “ Roadmap to Managing CUI ”


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 14, 2011


30 minutes

Skill Level




This paper details CUI cases as well as the means for preventing, finding and repairing them. Approaches and procedures for managing CUI are described leading to a document “Roadmap to Managing CUI” which can be modified to company specific requirements.

In recent years more problems with CUI in ethylene plants have been detected. The European Ethylene Producers Committee (EEPC) CUI Issue group collected, discussed and analyzed incidents, damages and examples of good and bad solutions from member companies. The Group discussed the content and the applicability of public documents, guidelines and rules. An exchange of experiences about procedures, methods and technical solutions executed by the member companies was carried out. All these activities lead to the creation of a document by the Issue Group, a “Roadmap to Managing CUI”, which is presented in this paper.


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