Procedure Simulators That Ensure Your Procedures Are Accurate, Operators Are Fully Competent and the Payback Is Always Less Than 1 Year | AIChE

Procedure Simulators That Ensure Your Procedures Are Accurate, Operators Are Fully Competent and the Payback Is Always Less Than 1 Year


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 20, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




The “major objective of process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals especially into locations that could expose employees and others to serious hazards.”

Unfortunately, most unplanned events involve human error and they occur regularly. Why? In many cases the operating procedure may not be accurate, the operator may not have been fully knowledgeable or competent, or both.

Voovio has simulated critical procedures across many of the major petrochemical and refining companies in North America with its Enhanced Reality technology. Operators can practice, learn and test on entire procedures on any device 24/7/365, including but not limited to entire startups/shutdowns, equipment swaps, loading/unloading, LOTOs, overhauls.

Our industry experts (former DuPont Operations Leaders) will present data from customers on how simulating operating and maintenance procedures:

  • increases the quality of procedures in terms of correct actions and sequence, and will compare pre/post simulation snapshots of procedures
  • boosts operator knowledge and competency, increasing reliability and safety
  • significantly reduces time for job qualification, requalification & new hire onboarding
  • enables remote collaboration and training, ensuring continued safe production and increased competitiveness in crises (for example, the COVID pandemic)


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