JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation is a company that was established in April 2017, with the merger of JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation and TonenGeneral Sekeyu KK.
Regarding the safety management and activities at our company, prior to the integration, we have been working on activities to improve the safety performance by the management systems of each former companies. However, with the inauguration of JXTG, we have merged our safety management systems and various initiatives, and we are continuously improving to achieve the "Group Safety Policy".
In Japan, under the policy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Super Accredited Businesses System under the High Pressure Gas Safety Act" was established on April 1, 2017 to encourage further advancement of independent safety management and control. As a background to introducing this system, in order to respond to the aging of plant equipment and the reduction of skilled employees etc., we have set up a business establishing high security measures such as IoT and utilization of big data as "super accredited refineries and chemical plants" and rationalize the regulation according to the ability.
At our company, Kawasaki Refinery and Sakai Refinery have obtained qualifications as the first and second "Super Accredited" refineries in Japan respectively, and are preparing to obtain accreditation at other refineries as well.
Requirements of "Super Accredited" refineries are introduction of advanced risk assessment, advanced technology, advanced education and training, utilization of knowledge of third parties, establishment of evaluation system of continuous operation period / inspection method, and so on.
In this paper, we introduce our efforts in our company."
+Regarding risk assessment, we review a systematic and comprehensive risk assessment program based on "Action to address risks and opportunities" which is one of elements of our safe operation management system (SOMS).
+Regarding steady state (line-by-line) HAZOP and unsteady state (procedure-based) HAZOP, since the method of what was done in the former company was different, we defined a new HAZOP method incorporating the merits of both methods and developed it throughout the company.
+Each refinery places a safety advisor, which is an expert on process safety, and establishes internal qualification systems and educational programs for persons engaged in risk assessment to maintain the competence of those engaged in risk assessment.
Regarding the safety management and activities at our company, prior to the integration, we have been working on activities to improve the safety performance by the management systems of each former companies. However, with the inauguration of JXTG, we have merged our safety management systems and various initiatives, and we are continuously improving to achieve the "Group Safety Policy".
In Japan, under the policy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Super Accredited Businesses System under the High Pressure Gas Safety Act" was established on April 1, 2017 to encourage further advancement of independent safety management and control. As a background to introducing this system, in order to respond to the aging of plant equipment and the reduction of skilled employees etc., we have set up a business establishing high security measures such as IoT and utilization of big data as "super accredited refineries and chemical plants" and rationalize the regulation according to the ability.
At our company, Kawasaki Refinery and Sakai Refinery have obtained qualifications as the first and second "Super Accredited" refineries in Japan respectively, and are preparing to obtain accreditation at other refineries as well.
Requirements of "Super Accredited" refineries are introduction of advanced risk assessment, advanced technology, advanced education and training, utilization of knowledge of third parties, establishment of evaluation system of continuous operation period / inspection method, and so on.
In this paper, we introduce our efforts in our company."
+Regarding risk assessment, we review a systematic and comprehensive risk assessment program based on "Action to address risks and opportunities" which is one of elements of our safe operation management system (SOMS).
+Regarding steady state (line-by-line) HAZOP and unsteady state (procedure-based) HAZOP, since the method of what was done in the former company was different, we defined a new HAZOP method incorporating the merits of both methods and developed it throughout the company.
+Each refinery places a safety advisor, which is an expert on process safety, and establishes internal qualification systems and educational programs for persons engaged in risk assessment to maintain the competence of those engaged in risk assessment.
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