Q&A on QRA | AIChE

Q&A on QRA


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 28, 2017


30 minutes

Skill Level




What exactly is a QRA? How do you do one? What tools are needed? What can a QRA tell you? This tutorial session will help to answer these questions and others, with the goal of providing a basic understanding of quantitative risk analysis (QRA). The nature of consequences and probabilities, and their combination, within the context of chemical process safety, will be explored and explained. The tutorial will provide introductions to consequence modeling tools, probability assessment methods, various risk measures, the computational requirements for developing a QRA, and ways that QRA can be applied to process safety. After the tutorial session, the attendee will be better equipped to know what a QRA is and how it can be used to evaluate the risks inherent to chemical processing.


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