The Safety Indicators (Leading and Lagging) precise and optimized monitoring aids to enhance the safety performance and continuous improvement. In lieu of standardizing the Safety Indicators, Fatima Fertilizers Limited (FFL) performed detailed incident analysis for the past 03 years (2016-18). The in-depth comparison was carried out in the light of CCPS Process Safety leading and Lagging Indicator Matrices and American Petroleum Institute (API) Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining and Petrochemical Industries API-754 (Recommended Practices). The Safety Indicators were revamped and were segregated into Process Safety Leading Indicators (PSLI) and Behavior Based Leading indicators (BBLI). PSLI were designed to strengthen the Process Safety Performance and were sub categorized into Process safety Action Items, Mechanical Integrity, Safety Instrumented System, Management of change Audits, training and Competences, Operating and Maintenance Procedures. BBLI were designed to focus the behavioral aspect of site to enhance the safety culture. BBLI were sub categorized into Management safety Audit and their action items and Compliance, Near Miss reporting, Job Cycle Checks Audit and their recommendations closure , Compliance of safety meetings and follow-ups of their action Items. This whole new monitoring system was implemented voluntarily in-house. This implementation of standardized safety leading Indicators has produced very promising results, with reduced numbers of Process Safety Incidents (approx. 40% reduction as compared to 2018), reduced numbers of injuries (approx. 50% reduction as compared to 2018), increased number of Near Miss reported (approx. 35% increased as compared to 2018) and many other which will be shared in details. Above all Implementation of these new LIs system has increased the employeeâs moral and subsequently enhanced safety performance of FFL Site.
In this paper, I will be sharing the comparison of FFL previously monitored Leading Indicators with newly revamped Leading Indicators, the implementation strategy and what benefits are gained, along with challenges ahead and future plans for improvements.
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