Right Sizing Combustible Particulate Management for R&D Processes | AIChE

Right Sizing Combustible Particulate Management for R&D Processes


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




Combustible dust hazards are routinely recognized in a manufacturing setting but are commonly overlooked in laboratories. Most companies use research and development (R&D) departments to create new products but fail to recognize all new potential hazards associated with their development. Part of the struggle is the recognition of a combustible dust hazard and completing the right size review for an R&D setting.

This session will guide participants through educating non-safety personnel on combustible dust hazards, how 3M is screening combustible dust processes to drive the appropriate level of hazard analysis, and how to right size the R&D Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) based on equipment in an R&D setting.


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