Right Sizing Combustible Particulate Management While Meeting NFPA 652 Requirements | AIChE

Right Sizing Combustible Particulate Management While Meeting NFPA 652 Requirements


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




Working in the manufacturing industry at a Fortune 500 company with multiple commodity classes and size of manufacturing locations presented an interesting challenge when trying to control combustible particulate solid hazards and implement requirements from NFPA 652. Each location dealt with different combustible solid particulates, different processing methods and unique equipment. To handle this challenge, it was important to develop a combustible solids particulate management program that would meet the needs of every facility.

The global Combustible Solid Particulates management program that 3M has developed and is in the process of implementing, involves a three-step process which includes creating an inventory of solid particulates, analyzing the hazards of each process utilizing combustible solid particulates, and managing the hazards identified.


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