This paper presents approaches to provide a safer operating plant by extending mechanical integrity to all process equipment using a risk-based approach to better focus resources.
Risk-based approaches for inspection and testing of fixed equipment for mechanical integrity (API 580/581) and for the integrity of Safety Instrumented Systems (ANSI/ISA-84 - IEC 61511 Mod) are well established.
For other equipment types, there are Preventive Maintenance programs of various types. An effective PM program should: • Improve plant reliability and plant safety – a shift away from reactive maintenance and the resulting operational issues
• Provide a rational basis for the development of PM program activities and their intervals based on RAGAGEP using a structured logical approach
• Create and document appropriate PM strategies for plant equipment with their basis (including targeted failure modes and mechanisms)
• Provide risk-based prioritization with resulting improved effectiveness
• Integrate EHS and economic driven PM activities
• Document results and respond to non-conformances found by PM activities via appropriate review, repairs, and/or as PM program revisions
• Track compliance to the PM activities schedule
• Evaluate program results and effectiveness
• Collect failure data needed to support and update risk based PM strategies and equipment selection for replacements and capital projects
In the absence of codes, standards and recommended practices, are manufacturer recommendations and/or “traditional” approaches for inspection, testing and preventive maintenance sufficient to achieve these objectives?
A methodology to better address the objectives listed above using a structured risk-based approach will be presented.
In addition, a status report will be included on API Task Group 691 efforts to address some of these issues.