Safety Concerns with Self-Heating Materials Including a Packed Tower Industry Example | AIChE

Safety Concerns with Self-Heating Materials Including a Packed Tower Industry Example


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 20, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




Managing materials that have self-heating characteristics is a key process safety concern for many industries, including the ethylene industry. Self-heating materials include materials that, when in contact with air, are liable to self-heat over time, potentially resulting in fire or other damage. Pyrophoric materials are a form of self-heating materials that ignite rapidly when in contact with air.

This presentation will summarize a 2019 self-heating event involving a section of packing in a tower at the Sarnia Imperial Oil facility. This event will highlight the risks associated with certain vessel internals and self-heating materials. Further, the presentation will provide a broad overview of the risks associated with self-heating materials in an ethylene plant, highlighting areas of specific concern along with potential mitigations.


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