Shale Gas Boom and Tight Oil - A Look at Current Projects in the Refining Sector | AIChE

Shale Gas Boom and Tight Oil - A Look at Current Projects in the Refining Sector


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

Southwest Process Technology Conference

Presentation Date

October 10, 2014


30 minutes

Skill Level




Production of Tight Oil from the Shale Gas Plays in the U.S. is having a profound effect on the Refining Industry.  Refiners are maximizing the amount of advantaged oil they can feed their crude units some with geographic locations that allow them to capitalize the most on the sometimes attractive spreads provided by what is mostly light and sweet crude.  New topping columns, crude units and condensate splitters are being constructed in various refineries in the U.S.  This paper provides an overview of some of the studies and projects that are taking place and provides an overview across the spectrum of possibilities that refiners are facing.  Burns & McDonnell has much experience with actual projects that will be highlighted to provide an exciting overview of this activity.


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