Simulation and Automation Technologies for the Topsides Process Design | AIChE

Simulation and Automation Technologies for the Topsides Process Design


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

Southwest Process Technology Conference

Presentation Date

October 2, 2015


30 minutes

Skill Level




This paper presents proven practices and work processes and latest trends in applying various simulation and automation technologies to enhance the project lifecycle of upstream projects from design to construction, commissioning and operation.  These practices focus on capturing the design expertise through the entire project lifecycle.  The first step is to apply state-of-the-art simulation technologies to achieve design excellence.  Then the knowledge and design expertise is leveraged to support construction and commissioning.  Examples are given to demonstrate how the technologies are applied to the topsides processing design.  As the project progresses, operator training, alarm management and control system check-out can be performed prior to commissioning using the same rigorous engineering design model.  The model and know-how is finally transferred to operation through automation technologies such as remote performance monitoring, advanced process control and operations management systems.


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