Smart Digital Procedures - Key to Maximize Digital Transformation Strategy and Operational Excellence | AIChE

Smart Digital Procedures - Key to Maximize Digital Transformation Strategy and Operational Excellence


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 18, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




  • Current procedure practices have huge gaps from both a technology and human factor perspective. Built-for-paper with high costs of administrations, these procedures offer little value to effectively serve to protect workers and assets, and are a dead end for mobility and IoT benefits.
  • This presentation will help the participants understand the true value of procedure content delivered in multiple media formats (fit-for-purpose) via smart digital database functionality.
  • The presentation will walk through the journey to achieve sustainable procedural operational excellence.
  • We will explore best practices to improve usability, consistency and access, integration with critical sources of data and the importance of effective cultural adoption with effective change management.


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