Smart Process Manufacturing - Capital Programs and Industry Operations | AIChE

Smart Process Manufacturing - Capital Programs and Industry Operations


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 8, 2010


30 minutes

Skill Level




Smart Process Manufacturing (SPM) is a dramatically intensified knowledge-enabled industrial enterprise in which ALL business and operating actions are executed to achieve substantially enhanced energy, sustainability, environmental, safety and economic performance. When SPM is applied comprehensively in terms of technology, methodology, operational assimilation and elevation to company and industry enterprises it becomes a disruptive / breakthrough use of knowledge and information technology.


James B. Porter, Jr.

James B. Porter, Jr. is Principal Consultant for DuPont Safety Resources. Drawing on over 40 years of hands-on DuPont safety, health and environment engineering, as well as operations experience, Jim helps customers make significant and sustainable improvements in workplace safety, process safety management, and operational excellence. Previously, Jim was chief engineer and vice president of Engineering and Operations for DuPont until his retirement in 2008. Jim joined DuPont in 1966 as a chemical engineer in the engineering service division. He was named vice president of Engineering in...Read more

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