Solutions for Processing and Coprocessing Renewable Feedstock in Refinery Settings | AIChE

Solutions for Processing and Coprocessing Renewable Feedstock in Refinery Settings


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 14, 2023


23 minutes

Skill Level




Drivers for the reduction of carbon dioxide production in the energy sector in the form of legislation in Europe (e.g., RED II) or economic incentives in the US and Canada, has led to an increase in conversion of renewable feedstocks to finished fuels and petrochemical feedstocks. Producers are utilizing both standalone biorefineries as well as existing fossil fuel plants to process these types of feedstocks, which include edible oils, waste oils (animal fats, used cooking oil, and crude Tall Oil), and pyrolysis oils. Compared to fossil fuels, renewable feedstocks present a new set of challenges, such as a higher risk for corrosion due to high TAN and chloride content, potential catalyst fouling due to impurities present in the feedstock, and variability in the properties of finished fuels (i.e., cold flow, lubricity, and conductivity). The effluent water from these units also poses new challenges in terms of oil/water separation and contaminants that need to be removed. NALCO Water solutions enable refiners to produce the desired products (finished fuels and petrochemical feedstocks) while mitigating the aforementioned risks. To that end, we have developed a line of offerings that addresses the unique challenges associated with processing and coprocessing a variety of renewable feedstocks and their corresponding finished fuels. Herein, we will discuss results associated with this product line and their application in the area of renewable fuels productions.


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