Forge Operations Safety Advisor (OSA) provides an easy-to-understand picture of your process safety risk as it stands today - with visibility at site, division and enterprise level. Forge OSA collects information from your process Operations and Maintenance, then compares them with the risk analyses in your HAZOP and LOPAs. Forge OSA shows how your plant is operating by comparing it with the ideal “Digital Twin for Safety†as laid out by your risk assessment teams.
Forge OSA is part of Honeywell’s Process Safety Suite (PSS). PSS is an enterprise data system which links risk rankings down to tagged devices and making it easier to support daily operations and maintenance activities. PSS interfaces with operating data such as process historians and maintenance management systems to provide the insight required to make better business decisions regarding testing, planned outages, demands, safety system performance, and future capital project spend. Previously invisible risk become identifiable by analyzing deviations in operations compared to the original design assumptions.
And you can see where you have opportunities to reduce costs by extending test intervals while still comfortably meeting your risk targets. That can help reduce maintenance – and reduce downtime during this difficult time – without compromising safety.
All this is displayed on Your Company’s risk matrix in near-real time, making it easy for all to understand. And like all our Forge-based tools OSA provides usable insights and recommends prioritized actions to fix the causes of the issues.
Join Tony Downes, Global Process Safety Advisor, Honeywell PMT, to explore and learn more about “Forge Operations Safety Advisorâ€.
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