Starting and Maintaining a Business | AIChE

Starting and Maintaining a Business


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




In this presentation I will share my experience in starting and successfully operating a consulting business in environmental, health and safety. I started a consulting business ten years ago and since have managed to successfully generate increasing revenue stream while maintaining good profit margins.

This talk will discuss how to carve a niche which has a demand in service business, trials and tribulations in starting an enterprise from scratch including generating initial revenue, obtaining appropriate insurance and resources required both financial and human. I will also discuss my experience in setting up company name and logo.

Maintaining and sustaining a small service business requires being both a” seller” and “doer”. I will discuss balancing between need to sell work as well as complete technical projects. I will discuss my own overall approach to generating steady revenue stream. I will relate my experience in maintaining cash flow, balance sheet and other financial issues.

I will discuss some of the attitude and aptitude required to be successful in business based on my
experience. There is a lot of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment in operating a business if there is a methodical approach with right attitude and ability to adapt to changes.


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