Authors: Ronald Boring, Beata Mrugalska, Salvador Ávila, Rita Ávila, Murilo
Stress, complexity and communication are human capillary elements that allow a passage of the flow of energy from diverse human factors, in all phases of the factor network, in all dimensions. These characteristics influence the appearance of technical, managerial and human error, including the appearance of archetypes and possible habits. The phases of factors that affect human performance (FHP) start in Social Culture, indicating trends in omission and communication difficulties due to different linguistic aspects, passing through possible current social factors, such as the generation and gender conflict in addition to the effects of the multicultural aspects in the work environment. These social phenomena can be global or local in nature and can affect managers and workers differently.
The first possible barriers to be structures are located in the organizational and safety culture in addition to the prioritization between safety and production within this industry or risky activity. When approaching individual and group aspects, communication will be cited in practically all phases, as well as stress, but it is only from failure and lack of control that stress, as a state of work, can generate high consequences, even anticipating the accident. The communication is cited insistently in accidents involving oil platforms.
In this work we will study scenarios of accidents that have already occurred and probable causes in the elements that should block the hazard energy from the design of the oil installation. Complexity and communication will participate, or failures, in the construction of the accident. At some point, we will focus on the effect of behavioral gaps without dividing factor dimensions into layers. Considering the systemic failure format and its connectivity, we will try to identify, citing JBH in constructed events, how the danger energy flow occurs to the point of causing the accident or disaster as occurred in PIPERALFA and HORIZON. In the first, it caused many human losses and the second caused extremely high environmental impacts, both considered disasters.
We will rescue the definitions of concepts already worked on, the impact of the stressful environment on the operational decision and on the body, the quality of communication through the organizational pyramid and the complexity of the task that can be calculated to define the resultant of sociotechnical reliability. We will then rebuild the oil accidents already known in addition to the local accident with the ship FPSO São Matheus. Boarding for platforms requires neutralization of the field of relations between operators and managers, and between contractor and contractors. The relationship of empathy will be discussed as a positive factor in the establishment of barriers, preventing the three capillary elements from developing their energy with a chain reaction effect. Also in terms of technological redundancy are the good HMI design for emergencies and high-level communications, as well as physical visualization of primary elements for the reclassification of the event between operational lack of control, incident, accident and disaster.
The Methodology, therefore, involves scenarios built with phases of the accident, considering the events of the various human-organizational factors in the network. This causal diagram event will show how stress, complexity and communication can have a potentiating effect in the accident. We will try to investigate if the barriers installed are adequate in intensity, redundancy, and place. We find the places of hazard energy concentration and points of failure that these elements has capillarity. These scenarios are explained using the caricature of the JBH operator and the signaling of cognitive and social functions in addition to the characteristics of the process and the task trying to indicate the influence on communication interface factors with stress and the difficulties of address unknown dangers and cultural biases.
This discussion can be quantified through the hazard energy units released using diagrams and equations to assist in the quantitative analysis of the impacts of these three capillary elements, stress, complexity and communication.
Keywords: stress, communication, hazard energy, human factors, accident