Sulfur Myths - What We Know and What We Do Not Know | AIChE

Sulfur Myths - What We Know and What We Do Not Know


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 13, 2011


30 minutes

Skill Level




The use of organosulfur compounds in steam cracking furnaces to produce ethylene and propylene is a universal practice to essentially prevent carbon monoxide (CO) and minimize coke formation. While there is agreement that this decreases the level of CO in the product gas, there is seemingly conflicting data on the impact of the sulfiding agents on coke formation in the furnace tubes and transfer line exchangers. This paper will review known and disputed facts about the impact of sulfiding agents on extent of coke formed, look at common practices including state of the art in this industry, and identify areas for further investigation.


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