Sustainable Ethylene Production through Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Technology | AIChE

Sustainable Ethylene Production through Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Technology


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 26, 2024


19 minutes

Skill Level




Ethylene (C2H4) plays a critical role in the petrochemical industry, serving as a key intermediate for the production of various products like polyethylene, ethylene oxide, ethylene dichloride, and vinyl acetate. The conventional method of C2H4 production involves the conversion of ethane or naphtha into olefins through a steam cracking process. This process uses a significant amount of heat energy resulting in the release of a substantial amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, estimated at approximately 1.56 metric tons of CO2 equivalent per metric ton of C2H4. This issue highlights the importance of finding a balance between C2H4’s vital industrial function and the need to address its environmental impact by reducing CO2 emissions.

Sustainable C2H4 production using electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) technology presents an eco-friendly approach to C2H4 production and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. Electrochemical conversion of CO2 offers various advantages, including precise control of reaction rates and selectivities through voltage regulation, scalability due to modular electrolyzer designs, single-step process, not requiring external H2 to drive reactions, and compatibility with intermittent renewable energy sources owing to the rapid response of electrochemical systems. This method enables the use of carbon-neutral electricity sources to electrochemically convert CO2 into valuable fuels and chemicals, effectively closing the carbon loop and reducing CO2 emissions.

CERT Systems is committed to transforming the way the world’s most important chemicals are made. The team has created a pilot-scale electrolysis system for converting CO2 into C2H4 as finalists in the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE competition. The pilot system, with a capacity of processing 100 kg of CO2 per day, operated at a natural gas power plant at the Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre. Flue gas was captured and then processed in CERT’s electrolyzer to produce ethylene and syngas. The pilot ran for nearly 2500 h during the competition. CERT will present the most recent advancements in achieving highly selective C2H4 production, lab-to-pilot scale-up, and the future development and scaling of the technology.


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