Taking Action on Your DHA Action Items | AIChE

Taking Action on Your DHA Action Items


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 22, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




The NFPA deadline for completing a DHA has come and gone for many existing facilities that handle combustible dusts and is fast approaching for others. These facilities are now or will soon be facing a list of recommendations for additional safeguards to mitigate fire and explosion hazards. These action items could range from the relatively mundane, such as installing signage designating nonsmoking areas, to major equipment overhauls, such a relocating an indoor dust collector. This paper will discuss a risk-based approach for prioritizing DHA recommendations, presenting a framework for an effective roll out of dust hazard safeguards. Additionally, guidelines for implementing management systems will be reviewed, with the goal of designing sustainable administrative programs for items such as maintenance, housekeeping, and management of change. Recent case studies will be used to illustrate the risk-based approach to taking action on DHA action items.


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