Fundamental challenges toward the development of an IES include accounting for multiple energy market time-scales (e.g. real-time, day-ahead, and long-term capacity markets), and exogenous uncertainty that arises due to decisions as a market participant that affect the entire system [4]. The effects of exogenous uncertainty can be particularly important to capture. For instance, an IES design decision like the size of storage will impact how it bids into the market (e.g., ramping rate), which impacts both (1) the market revenues of the entire system and (2) how the IES is asked to respond from the system operator. Market prices are also often set by the marginal resource, i.e., the resource with the highest cost out of those that are dispatched. As a result, slight perturbations in the parameters of an IES that are marginal (such as generation) can induce large fluctuations in the market, both for the IES and its neighbors. Accepted modeling approaches typically use "price-taker" assumptions [5] that do not capture the exogenous uncertainty inherent to designing new generation systems, which necessitates the development of new optimization formulations.
This talk discusses novel optimization-based approaches that capture market interactions (i.e. exogenous uncertainty) to enable tractable solution approaches for IES design problems. We first discuss key IES design parameters from an energy market standpoint based on current power dispatch formulations [6], and we then present a detailed analysis of market simulations [7] over a candidate power network [8] that predict long-term revenues and operational profiles. We then discuss a surrogate modeling framework [9] that captures market revenue and dispatch as tractable algebraic functions within our optimization framework. We show that our developed surrogates well-approximate the high-fidelity simulation data [10,11], and that they confirm our intuition with respect to key design parameters. We lastly introduce a complete IES conceptual design problem that combines our market-based surrogate models with detailed plant physics in a stochastic programming framework. Our results demonstrate the advantages gained by capturing exogenous market uncertainty versus using standard modeling assumptions when designing new generation systems. We finally close with discussion towards developing fully dynamic conceptual design problems that include market participation.
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