Typical Elements of Process Safety Management | AIChE

Typical Elements of Process Safety Management


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 1, 2014


30 minutes

Skill Level




This paper will present a suggestion of key elements that will provide grants for companies to develop their process safety management system, which is a great support tool to the good performance of the companies, because it is present in different stages of a project, from its design to closing.

The end result of this work will be the consolidation of the elements that comprise the typical composition of a process safety management system with cover information from several Brazilian and internationals legal requirements as well as guidelines and best practices for Brazilian and internationals technical-scientific entities. Among the sources consulted we can highlight : CCPS ( Center for Chemical Process Safety ) , DNV ( ISRS7 ) , PETROBRAS , ANP ( National Petroleum Agency ), Cetesb / SP ( Society of Environmental Sanitation Technology / São Paulo ), INEA-RJ/FEPAM-RS ( State Environmental Institute / Foundation State Environmental Protection Henrique Luiz Roessler ), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration ) and API/SEMS (American Petroleum Institute / Safety and Environmental Management Systems).


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