This paper will present a suggestion of key elements that will provide grants for companies to develop their process safety management system, which is a great support tool to the good performance of the companies, because it is present in different stages of a project, from its design to closing.
The end result of this work will be the consolidation of the elements that comprise the typical composition of a process safety management system with cover information from several Brazilian and internationals legal requirements as well as guidelines and best practices for Brazilian and internationals technical-scientific entities. Among the sources consulted we can highlight : CCPS ( Center for Chemical Process Safety ) , DNV ( ISRS7 ) , PETROBRAS , ANP ( National Petroleum Agency ), Cetesb / SP ( Society of Environmental Sanitation Technology / São Paulo ), INEA-RJ/FEPAM-RS ( State Environmental Institute / Foundation State Environmental Protection Henrique Luiz Roessler ), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration ) and API/SEMS (American Petroleum Institute / Safety and Environmental Management Systems).