Using Design Space Optimization of Software in the Loop to Minimize DRA Injection Opex and Maximize Pipeline Profitability. | AIChE

Using Design Space Optimization of Software in the Loop to Minimize DRA Injection Opex and Maximize Pipeline Profitability.


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 15, 2023


16 minutes

Skill Level




Pipeline operators have a critical question to answer when it comes to addressing the changing energy market: How can OpEx be minimized in the transportation of oil. One way to achieve this is through the injection of drag reducing agents (DRA) to the lines. This can be used to either increase throughput or reduce pump load while ensuring product fluid properties are maintained. These chemicals are however expensive, and operating costs quickly mount up if the DRA injection isn’t carefully optimized and controlled. Many operators currently use spreadsheets to try to understand how to optimize this, but this approach is time intensive and largely inaccurate.

In this presentation, a demonstration on how the optimization of DRA injection can be efficiently and accurately achieved with the use of Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) methodologies is given. With the use of a full fidelity, physics driven system model, in combination with design space optimization tools, the investigation of optimal throughput and DRA injection throughout a pipeline sample is performed. The tools enable the input of flow rates, energy and DRA costs to efficiently perform an accurate calculation of the overall cost per barrel of transport. The results of the investigation can then be deployed so, by using the optimal amount of DRA, any potential waste is drastically reduced which ultimately leads to increased profitability of the pipeline.


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