Utilizing Ultrasonic in-Line Inspection Technology to Manage Ethylene Furnace Convection Section Reliability | AIChE

Utilizing Ultrasonic in-Line Inspection Technology to Manage Ethylene Furnace Convection Section Reliability


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 12, 2016


30 minutes

Skill Level




Ultrasonic technology has been available for decades, but has not been frequently utilized in the inspection of ethylene furnaces, primarily due to furnace inaccessibility and lack of familiarity with advancements in the technology. Ultrasonic technology can now be applied to conduct full inspection of ethylene furnace convection sections with minimal modification to the furnace. Today’s technology allows for customizable tool access to each pipe, further increasing the value and accuracy of ethylene furnace inspections.

Conducting ultrasonic in-line inspections on ethylene furnaces can be utilized to evaluate cleaning effectiveness, determine tube condition and ultimately calculate remaining life and fitness-for-service, thereby minimizing unplanned outages. This presentation will outline the furnace cleaning process and ultrasonic method of ethylene furnace inspection, using case studies of completed ethylene furnace inspections.


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