This special plenary session will feature invited speakers to provide a summary of water law and policy that will provide attendees with a better understanding of water law, which is based upon water as a resource, rather than as a commodity as it is sometimes perceived, as well as water resource policy as implemented by the states, in this case, the State of Florida. Moderated by Mary Ellen Ternes, Chair, Environmental Practice Group, McAfee & Taft, P.C. & Vice Chair, The American Bar Association's Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems Committee, confirmed panelists include: Michelle Diffenderfer, Shareholder of Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. and General Counsel to the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches and the Florida Earth Foundation; David L. Moore, Executive Director, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida; and Jorge T. Aguinaldo, Vice President, Technology and Development, Doosan Hydro Technology, Inc.