What Should Leaders be Held Accountable for When It Comes to PSM Performance? | AIChE

What Should Leaders be Held Accountable for When It Comes to PSM Performance?


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 2, 2014


30 minutes

Skill Level




What should leaders be held accountable for when it comes to PSM Performance?

Accountability is much easier to describe than to create or instill.  When it comes to PSM performance, what should leaders be held accountable for?  Is it the Culture?  The lagging and leading indicators?  What about those that say one should only be held accountable for the inputs; the behaviors, processes and activities that are proven to improve performance?  Who is accountable for the results?  This presentation will describe a leadership accountability model that has consistently delivered excellent PSM results in high hazard operations in countries, companies and cultures around the world.  A recommended implementation approach of this accountability model will also be shared.


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