(11a) Algorithm to Enhance Performance of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems | AIChE

(11a) Algorithm to Enhance Performance of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems


Thorn, J. O. - Presenter, MAC Equipment, Inc
The nature of a dilute phase pneumatic conveying system suggests that it will be designed with an excess of air volume in order to insure that it operates when sufficiently when put into service. However, the inefficiencies that result from this approach are mostly overlooked and only when the system is properly controlled does one see significant reductions in energy consumption in addition to other velocity related effects. An algorithm was used to modify the speed of the positive displacement blower (typical air source) in response to actual convey line conditions. As compared to a constant speed design, the algorithm significantly reduced the energy required to drive the system by operating at reduced speeds and making corrections when required. The result is a dilute phase conveying system that adapts to changing requirements and removes the conservative influences of the design process. Depending on the operation of the system and several factors relating to material and system specifics, energy savings of between 20-50% were realized. Strict control of the velocity in the convey line also led to other advantages in the areas of attrition, abrasion and build-up in convey lines. Enhancing performance of the most common type of pneumatic conveying system, dilute phase, yields a host of advantages for the user and can be applied widely in the industry.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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