Advances in Particle Engineering for Pharmaceutical Applications I | AIChE

Advances in Particle Engineering for Pharmaceutical Applications I


Bilgili, E., New Jersey Institute of Technology


Wang, C. H., National University of Singapore

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients that comprise oral solid dosage are designed to achieve controllable bioavailability of the APIs in human body and to enable robustness during product manufacturing. Particle engineering offers tools and methodologies, both experimental and numerical, to design the structure of pharmaceutical particles to achieve the desired responses. This session invites papers that highlight advances in particle design and engineering as applied to pharmaceutical systems. Papers can be experimental in nature, while fundamental theoretical or modeling works providing insight into the formation and behavior of the particles are also welcome. Both novel formulations and the manufacturing processes that yield engineered particles are of interest to this session, as well as scientific approaches that relate particle formation, structure and functional performance.



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