Flow Properties of Particulate Solids I | AIChE

Flow Properties of Particulate Solids I


Freeman, T., Freeman Technology
Barletta, D., University of Salerno

Understanding flowability properties of particulate solids is important in process industries in order to avoid bottlenecks and economical losses. Nowadays, there are different methods and devices to characterize flowability properties, however the scaling between the results obtained from the measurements in the laboratory and the actual behavior of the particulate solids in the production process represents a difficult transition. Particle shape, size and particle size distribution influence on the macroscopic properties of the assemblies. The flowability characterization of some materials such as biomass which are receiving more and more attention is a special challenge due to the extreme shape of the particles, it does not flow well, packs easily, and it can knit together. In this session submissions focusing on the measurement or interpretation of powder and bulk solid flowability data are of primary interest.



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