Micro-Macro Characterization, Relationships Modelling and Engineering Applications | AIChE

Micro-Macro Characterization, Relationships Modelling and Engineering Applications


Tuzun, U., Churchill College


Freireich, B., Origin Materials

As particle technologists we have all dreamed of the Utopian future when measurement of a single particle properties (e.g. size, shape, surface texture, surface functionality) will allow us to predict behavior of bulk solids at a unit operation scales (e.g. flowability, permeability, resistivity). In this session we focus on progress towards achieving this dream. Particulate materials possess a microstructure that determines their mechanical behavior. Normally, their behavior is much better understood on a micro level than on the macro level. Microscopic investigations benefit from simple and straightforward relations, however the application to engineering practice becomes difficult. Because of that, micro-macro relations need to be established in order to link up physical quantities between different scales, and develop macro constitutive relationships in light of microscopic behaviors.



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