Conventional and autothermal pyrolysis of corn stover: Overcoming the processing challenges of high-ash agricultural residues | AIChE

Conventional and autothermal pyrolysis of corn stover: Overcoming the processing challenges of high-ash agricultural residues

TitleConventional and autothermal pyrolysis of corn stover: Overcoming the processing challenges of high-ash agricultural residues
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPolin, JP, Carr, HD, Whitmer, LE, Smith, RG, Brown, RC
JournalJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Date Publishedoct
Keywords7.4, Autothermal, BP5Q4, Corn stover, Fast pyrolysis, Fluidized bed, Process intensification, Project 7.4, Renewable Bioproducts

The high ash content of agricultural residues and other kinds of herbaceous biomass makes it a challenging feedstock for fast pyrolysis to bio-oil. Using corn stover as a representative feedstock, this study investigates fast pyrolysis of high ash, herbaceous biomass in a pilot-scale fluidized bed reactor using both conventional, nitrogen-blown and autothermal, air-blown operation. Initial efforts to pyrolyze corn stover were challenged by bed fouling, which prevented steady reactor operation. Substitution of coarser bed material allowed operation at higher superficial velocities, which promoted attrition and elutriation of recalcitrant biochar particles from the reactor. This resulted in dramatic improvement in stable reactor operation for both conventional and autothermal pyrolysis with bio-oil yields among the highest reported for pyrolysis of corn stover. The oxygen-to-biomass equivalence ratio required for autothermal operation was 6.8%. Autothermal operation also resulted in significant process intensification, increasing corn stover throughput from 7.8 kg hr-1 to 21.9 kg hr-1 for this 8.9 cm diameter reactor. Air-blown, autothermal operation did not significantly reduce bio-oil yield despite the presence of partial oxidation reactions. Carbon balances indicate carbon yields of biochar and aqueous, bio-oil light ends decreased by 18.5% and 4.7%, respectively, during autothermal pyrolysis compared to conventional pyrolysis while the more valuable, organic-rich heavy ends of the bio-oil were essentially preserved.
