By joining one of AIChE's Industry Technology Groups, companies, government labs, universities, and non-profits can benefit from vast technical knowledge in process safety, hydrogen safety, thermo-physical and environmental property data, and process intensification.
CCPS Corporate Membership
CCPS offers many benefits but the true value of membership lies in the extraordinary interaction and learning opportunities. The vast pool of knowledge and experience that is available to members is priceless. Members help each other, providing technical guidance and offering safety strategy suggestions.
CCPS is also a great resource for smaller companies that may struggle to provide all the resources needed to meet process safety goals. Through membership, smaller companies can leverage their development and training with other members in companies large and small. Perhaps more importantly, small companies gain access to “go-to” people in other member companies who can help them with their immediate problems.
CHS Corporate Membership
The Center for Hydrogen Safety offers many benefits but the true value of membership lies in the extraordinary interaction and learning opportunities. The vast pool of knowledge and experience that is available to members is priceless. Members help each other, providing technical guidance and offering safety strategy suggestions.
DIPPR Corporate Membership
The Design Institute for Physical Properties (DIPPR) is the world's best source of critically evaluated thermo-physical and environmental property data. Using a proprietary data evaluation methodology DIPPR’s recommended values allow practitioners to quickly produce results from their computational tools rather than spending time ensuring that the underlying data are robust. DIPPR data are used by leading chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceutical companies throughout the world and used extensively in third-party software.
RAPID Coporate Membership
RAPID is focused on the development of breakthrough technologies to boost energy productivity and energy efficiency through manufacturing processes in industries such oil and gas, pulp and paper and various domestic chemical manufacturers.