Divisions and Forums | Page 6 | AIChE

In the fast evolving chemical engineering profession, AIChE’s divisions and forums will keep you on the cutting edge of your specialty. Beyond just technical information, divisions and forums give you opportunities for affiliation with top engineers in both general disciplines and emerging fields like biotechnology and sustainability.

Divisions and forums provide programming for AIChE’s technical meetings, and awards and recognition to outstanding chemical engineers in their area of expertise. Join divisions or forums to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, discuss the latest trends, and build lasting business relationships.

Community of Division & Forum Officers

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Division & Forum Awards

NSEF Young Investigator Award


A plaque and an opportunity to speak at AIChE's Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsNanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Please submit all nominations and applications electronically to Reg Rogers at rerogers@missouri.edu        

  • Please describe the candidate’s contributions to research, commercialization, and/or service in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • Please clearly indicate how these contributions qualify as advances in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • For applicants outside of a research setting, applicants may choose, in place of the selected bibliography, to summarize up to four significant achievements, such as new materials or processes developed, improvements to current products and methods, start-up companies or licenses granted based on inventions, or contributions to public policy, education, and regulation. Please provide accompanying patent information if any. Summaries should not exceed 5 pages.

Nomination Packet

This award recognizes outstanding scholarship, commercialization, education, or service in nanoscience and nanotechnology by engineers or scientists in the early stages of their professional careers (within 10 years of completion of highest degree).

Nuclear Engineering Division Outstanding Student Paper & Presentation Award


Student Paper Award - $500 Scholarship and invitation for a publication in a selected peer-reviewed Journal. Student Presentation Award - $500 Scholarship.

AdministratorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)
PresentationBoth winners are notified during the conference and are presented with an award of $500 each at the Division Award Banquet at the AIChE Annual Meeting. In addition, the winner’s paper will be invited for a publication in an appropriated peer-reviewed journal.
Nomination Instructions

All eligible applicants must submit a paper describing their work in nuclear science and technology to the NED Outstanding Student Awards Committee Chair. The paper must follow the following format closely:

  • Cover letter: Title of Work, Name(s) and Address(es) of Author(s)
  • Abstract (as in Journal publications)
  • Introduction (Orient the reviewer to the problem of study)
  • Fundamental Theory or Model Development (Theoretical basis of work)
  • Experimental Set-up/Procedures
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions/Recommendations
  • References

The main body of the paper, excluding the cover letter, abstract and reference sections, should be five to ten pages in text in length (maximum), double-spaced.  Papers will be judged primarily on technical merit. The student must demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in the subject, as well as originality.

The finalist(s) are selected no later than 4 weeks before the conference. NED covers both the travel expenses (up to $700) and the registration fee for the finalist(s). The winner for the Student Paper Award will be selected by the Award Committee Members before the conference.  For the Student Presentation Award, the Award Committee Members as well as a pre-selected group of NED members attending the Conference will select the winner at the conference.  The winner of the Student Paper Award is not eligible for the Student Presentation Award.  The Award Committee’s decision is final and NOT subject to review. A previous winner of these awards may compete again, but is not eligible for the travel expenses and the registration fees for the conference, even if selected as a finalist.

Papers should be submitted to the Student Awards Chair:

Supathorn Phongikaroon,
University of Idaho, Department of Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Program;
1776 Science Center Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83402;
Phone: 208-282-7937; e-mail: supathor@uidaho.edu

The awards were established to encourage, recognize and reward chemical engineering students for quality research in the nuclear science and technology. Any graduate or undergraduate student doing research in this field is eligible for these awards.

Owens Corning Early Career Award


The award is a plaque and $2,000.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2024
AdministratorsMaterials Engineering & Sciences Division (MESD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. Active and participating membership* in the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division (MESD) of AIChE.
  2. Age less than 40 years in the year the Award is given. In the event a candidate begins their independent career after age 30, they will be considered eligible for 10 years since the year of the candidate's first professional appointment as an independent investigator in the year the Award is given. Approved leave (maternity, paternity, elder care, health, etc.) does not count towards the time limit and accrued leave time will be added to the age of eligibility.
  3. Outstanding materials-related work in discovery, research, process or product development, education, and/or service.

* “Active and participating” presupposes dues payment in MESD, as well as one or more of the following during the past several years: co-authorship of presentations or posters in conference sessions sponsored by MESD, and/or MESD service as session chair/co-chair, program area chair, or Division Director.

E-mail the nomination form (accessible below) to the Owens Corning Award Committee Chair, Prof. Lisa Hall, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University hall.1004@osu.edu

Nomination Form

The Owens Corning Early Career Award recognizes outstanding independent contributions to the scientific, technological, educational or service areas of materials science and engineering.

Process Development Division Student Paper Award


A plaque and $750, plus two complimentary tickets to the Process Development Division Awards Dinner held at the AIChE Annual Meeting.

DeadlineJuly 15, 2025
AdministratorsProcess Development Division (PDD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Process Development Division Dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. Papers will be judged primarily on technical merit. The student must demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in the subject
  2. The work presented must be carried out while the student is enrolled at a university with an accredited chemical engineering program
  3. The student must be the primary author (faculty advisors may be co-authors)
  4. The paper must describe original research (experimental, numerical, or theoretical) or design; papers consisting of literature reviews are not permitted
  5. The paper must be suitable for publication in a refereed journal
  6. The student must be a member of AIChE

Nominations may be submitted by the student chapter advisor, the local section chair, or a member of AIChE who is not a student member.

Submit the nomination package, consisting of a completed nomination form and other relevant supporting documentation, by a combination of hard copy and electronic mail. Send signed original documents and e-mail copies of all documents to the division awards committee chair.

Process Development Division Awards Committee Chair:

Dr. Jay F. Miller

424 Hallman Ct.

Downingtown, PA 19335


(610) 350-9128

SponsorsLinde Group

Presented to a full-time graduate or undergraduate student who prepares the best technical paper to describe the results of process development related studies within chemical engineering.

Process Development Practice Award


A plaque and $1,000, plus two complimentary tickets to the Process Development Division Awards Dinner held at the AIChE Spring Meeting.

DeadlineDecember 15, 2024
AdministratorsProcess Development Division (PDD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Process Development Division Dinner at the AIChE Spring National Meeting
Nomination Instructions

Submit the nomination package, consisting of a completed nomination form and other relevant supporting documentation, by a combination of hard copy and electronic mail. Send signed original documents and e-mail copies of all documents to the division awards committee chair.

Process Development Division Awards Committee Chair:

Dr. Jay F. Miller

424 Hallman Ct.

Downingtown, PA 19335


(610) 350-9128

Nomination Form

SponsorsZeton Inc.

Recognizes individuals with outstanding contributions in the practice or application of chemical engineering to process development. This award hopes to focus on applicants from industrial settings where documentation of contributions is not as readily provided. Awardees will be selected based...

Process Safety Division Student Design Competition Award for Safety


The winners of this award will receive a check for $600 from the Process Safety Division of AIChE. Each inherent safety winning solution (team or individual) will be awarded a total prize of $600 to be divided by the team winners.

DeadlineJune 12, 2021
AdministratorsProcess Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationAwards are presented at the Student Awards Ceremony during the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

The awards will be granted to the teams or individuals who apply some of the following concepts of inherent safety in their designs:

  1. Design the plant for easier and effective maintainability
  2. Design the plant with less waste
  3. Design the plant with special features that demonstrate inherent safety
  4. Include design concepts regarding the entire life cycle

The school must have a student chapter of AIChE. The report will need a separate section titled "inherent safety" to describe the design features that represent inherent safety. The Process Safety Division will evaluate all of the designs that are submitted for the AIChE Student Design Competition using the inherent safety criteria mentioned above.

The AIChE designs are submitted to AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10005; Ph./Fax: 646-495-1384/646-495-1503.

There will be up to four awards ($600 each) for the appropriate application of inherent safety in the designs. A subcommittee of the Safety and Health Division will evaluate and pick the award recipients.

Professor M. Nazmul Karim Award in Process Control and Automation


$500 Award

DeadlineNovember 19, 2018
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Spring National Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Papers submitted to co-sponsored sessions by F&PD will also be considered.  Application areas will be reviewed on a yearly basis to adjust, as appropriate, to industry trends in the same general area of chemical engineering applications.  Current members of Professor Karim’s research team including undergraduate and graduate students, along with people in post-doctoral appointments, are not eligible for the award.

Prior to the annual Spring AIChE meeting, F&PD will form an ad-hoc review committee with members drawn from F&PD Executive committee members, F&PD Programming Area Chairs, F&PD members, and/or recognized Advanced Control Experts in the field.   Using an established rubric, papers will be judged according to how the work advances the science and/or practice of advanced controls for the Fuels and Petrochemicals industries while also considering presentation/paper qualities such as technical & logical validity, innovation impact, and writing/presentation clarity.  F&PD reserves the right not to grant the award in any given year.  If an award is not given in a year, then the funds will be rolled over and the timeline for the award will be extended beyond the initial 5-year period.

In thanks for the generous personal contribution from Professor M. Nazmul Karim, the Fuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is pleased to announce the Professor M. Nazmul Karim Award in Process Control and Automation. This award consists of a $500 honorarium and will be presented annually for the next 5 years starting in 2018.

Program Committee's William H. Doyle Award


A plaque.

AdministratorsProgram Committee (PC), Process Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Loss Prevention Symposium during the Global Congress on Process Safety.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. The paper is clearly written and well presented.
  2. The paper has a wide applicability to chemical industry loss prevention efforts.
  3. The paper adds substantial knowledge to the field of loss prevention.
  4. The paper engages the intellect of the audience.
  5. Would cause BILL DOYLE to rise to his feet, ask a penetrating question, make decisive comments, and then lead the applause.

The award recognizes the best paper presented at the previous year's Loss Prevention Symposium. The recipient is selected by a vote of the members of the Loss Prevention Symposium Committee.

The Program Committee and the Process Safety Division presents this award in memory of Bill Doyle. He was a founder of the AIChE Loss Prevention...

PSRI Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems


Award consists of $2,000, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner.

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
PresentationThe award is presented at a Forum sponsored event during the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

  • Full nomination package should consist of a single PDF file that contains all of the following items to be sent to silvina@soe.rutgers.eduThis is a one step process. Any issues with your nomination will be communicated to the nominator.

  1. Filled nomination form (download from Nomination Packet form).
  2. A two page letter of nomination stating how the nominee made a significant impact to the field of fluidization and fluid-particle flow systems.
  3. At least three and no more than five supporting letters.
  4. The nominator must be a current PTF member.
  5. If the nominee has previously received any award from AIChE or one of its divisions/forums, an explicit statement of new accomplishments or work over and above those cited. for the earlier award(s) must be included (max. of one double spaced page).
  6. Selected bibliography (including books, patents, and major papers published).
SponsorsParticulate Solid Research, Inc.

This award recognizes an individual's outstanding scientific/technical research contributions with impact in the field of fluidization and fluid-particle flow systems.

Robert E. Wilson Award


A plaque and $1000.

DeadlineJune 13, 2024
AdministratorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Nuclear Engineering Division’s Robert E. Wilson Award Luncheon at the AIChE Annual Meeting, after which the awardee addresses the Division with a keynote lecture.
Nomination Instructions

To nominate a candidate for this award, please send a letter detailing the nominee’s chemical engineering contributions and achievements that merit consideration together with a curriculum vitae to Dr. Max Gorensek at mbgorensek@gmail.com or/and Dr. Valmor F. de Almeida at valmor_dealmeida@uml.edu. AIChE membership is a prerequisite.

SponsorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)

Dr. Robert E. Wilson (1893-1964), a graduate of the College of Wooster (Ohio) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of over 100 technical papers and holder of over 100 patents, recognized for his scientific contributions with three important scientific medals, honorary doctorates...
