Dynamic Process Intensification of Binary Distillation via Periodic Operation | AIChE

Dynamic Process Intensification of Binary Distillation via Periodic Operation

TitleDynamic Process Intensification of Binary Distillation via Periodic Operation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsYan, L, Edgar, TF, Baldea, M
JournalIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Date Publisheddec
Keywords5.4, Chemicals and Commodity Processes, Distillation, Energy, Fluid dynamics, Mixtures, Project 5.4, Separation science

This paper applies the concept of dynamic intensification (defined as changes to the dynamics, operation strategy, and/or control of a process that lead to a substantially more efficient processing path) to binary distillation columns. The resulting strategy consists of manufacturing a target product as a blend of two auxiliary products, both having lower energy demands than a reference value, which corresponds to producing the target product(s) in a column operating at steady state. A discussion of the appropriate control structures and switching strategies between the two auxiliary products is provided. An extensive case study concerning the separation of a methanol-1-propanol mixture was carried out, demonstrating that energy savings in the order of 1.4% are possible with no disruption in product quality or production rate.
