Effects of Sodium and Tungsten Promoters on Mg 6 MnO 8 -Based Core-Shell Redox Catalysts for Chemical Looping - Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane | AIChE

Effects of Sodium and Tungsten Promoters on Mg 6 MnO 8 -Based Core-Shell Redox Catalysts for Chemical Looping - Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane

TitleEffects of Sodium and Tungsten Promoters on Mg 6 MnO 8 -Based Core-Shell Redox Catalysts for Chemical Looping - Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYusuf, S, Neal, L, Bao, Z, Wu, Z, Li, F
JournalACS Catalysis
Date Publishedapr
Keywordschemical looping, Chemicals and Commodity Processing, oxidative dehydrogenation, oxygen carrier, Project 5.6, redox catalyst

The present study investigates the effect of sodium and tungsten promoters on Mg6MnO8-based redox catalysts in a chemical looping oxidative dehydrogenation (CL-ODH) scheme. CL-ODH has the potential to significantly lower energy consumption and CO2/NOx emissions for ethylene production compared with conventional steam cracking. Sodium tungstate (Na2WO4) was previously shown to be an effective promoter for Mg6MnO8-based redox catalysts. Overall, the CL-ODH reaction proceeds via parallel gas-phase cracking of ethane and selective combustion of H2 on the surface of the Na2WO4-promoted redox catalyst. Reaction testing indicates that both Na and W are necessary to form Na2WO4 and to achieve high ethylene selectivity. A Na:W ratio lower than 2:1 lead to significant formation of additional mixed tungsten oxide phases and decreases ethylene selectivity. Further characterizations based on low-energy ion scattering (LEIS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) indicate that the NaW promoter forms a molten shell...
