Estimation of isosteric heat of adsorption from generalized Langmuir isotherm | AIChE

Estimation of isosteric heat of adsorption from generalized Langmuir isotherm

TitleEstimation of isosteric heat of adsorption from generalized Langmuir isotherm
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsHamid, U, Vyawahare, P, Chen, C-C
Date Publishedjan
Keywords2.7, aNRTL activity coefficient model, Classical Langmuir isotherm, generalized Langmuir isotherm, ideal adsorbed solution theory, Isosteric heat of adsorption, Toth isotherm

Simulation and design of adsorptive separation units demand accurate estimation of thermodynamic properties. Isosteric heat of adsorption as calculated from generalized Langmuir (gL) isotherm coupled with Clausius–Clapeyron expression for pure component and mixed-gas adsorption equilibria is presented in this work. The estimated isosteric heat of adsorption as functions of surface loading and composition is validated against the experimental data for various adsorption systems. Furthermore, the gL results are compared against classical Langmuir (cL) and Toth isotherm for pure components and with Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory (IAST) for mixed-gas adsorption equilibria. The comparison highlights that gL outperforms cL and Toth for pure component adsorption and IAST for mixed-gas adsorption, and gL reliably captures the loading dependence and the composition dependence for isosteric heat of adsorption.
